In coherence with her practice of questioning the role and effect of a human’s most basic actions – cleaning, paying taxes, playing – within social structures, Ana Prvački’s At the Tips of Your Fingertips (towards a clean money culture) (2007) détournes the cliché of “dirty money” with unexpected results. As Anne Barlow writes, “In cleaning each note by hand in an almost ritualistic way, Prvački provides her clients with money that is fresh enough to use as a face wipe. But in doing so within the context of the UBS lobby [where the work was first presented], she becomes a kind of institutional Sisyphus, momentarily achieving the goal of cleanliness and then immediately failing as the note becomes ‘contaminated’ on receipt by its owner. Given that some believe the actual value of the note may also be diminished through the act of cleaning, the poetry of the piece lies in the sheer absurdity of the endeavor.”